Excellamus - ‘Let us Excel’


COMMUNITY working together to achieve great things.

OWNERSHIP accepting responsibility for our actions and behaviour.

RESPECT each other and the environment we live in.

EXCELLENCE we strive for excellence in all that we do.

COHUNA SECONDARY COLLEGE is committed to the safety and wellbeing of all children.

The CSC Child Safe Contact is the Principal. If you believe a child is at immediate risk of abuse phone 000.

  • Monday 10 March LABOUR DAY holiday

    12-14 March NAPLAN (Years 7 & 9)

  • Monday 17 March BarRook shoot

    Tuesday 18 March Finance meeting

    School Council meeting

  • Friday 28 March Avalon Airshow

  • Wednesday 2 April Parent/Student/Teacher Interviews

    Friday 4 April END OF TERM 1

  • Item description
  • Tuesday 22 April TERM 2 begins

    Thursday 24 April Anzac services @ 12:15pm

    Friday 25 April ANZAC DAY holiday

As valuable partners in promoting and maintaining child safety and wellbeing at Cohuna Secondary College we welcome and encourage your feedback. 

If you have any suggestions, comments or questions in relation to our policies, please contact the principal on 5456 2555 or email: cohuna.sc@education.vic.gov.au

Cohuna Secondary College follows all policy requirements as stated by the Department of Education Victoria. For more information, please use the provided links for the Department of Education - Parent Payment Policy.

Latest News…

TECH FREE Tuesday in the Library

What story does the mural tell?

The mural tells the story about connecting Country. As the seasons change, the flowers bloom, the rivers and creeks flow to feed the dry and replenish the growing. The tribes of young and old come together to teach one another as they leave an imprint of who they were and become. As the day rises and sets, the light will always show, from our land we will always know. (story told from bottom to top)