VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING  programs for secondary school students (VETDSSS)                     Vocational programs at CSC provide students with training in the skills and knowledge of a particular industry. The certificates issued are industry qualifications. Many of the VCE VET certificates are the industry pre-apprenticeship qualifications. Therefore, students including a VET program in their VCE or VCE VM, also gain an industry qualification that is recognised nationally. It is also possible to undertake a School Based Apprenticeship and Traineeship (SBAT) at CSC.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          WHAT IS VET?
People working in all industries in Australia have to undertake training to learn the skills needed to work in that industry. Much of this training is through the VET system. Students can also access industry training while at school, called VET delivered to secondary school students (VETDSSS). This counts in their VCE or VCE VM in the same way as their VCE subjects. VCAA has developed scored assessment for some VET programs, so students also count VET programs in their ATAR if they undertake scored assessment. There are incremental ATAR arrangements in place for non‐scored VET programs.

* are thinking of obtaining an apprenticeship or traineeship after school;
* are interested in developing a practical skills base for diploma and degree level courses;
* would like to gain an industry qualification, as well as their VCE or VCE VM
* enjoy practical based learning environments;
* want to keep their options open after completing Year 12;
* want to obtain part‐time work in an industry.

* A Certificate II or III level in the industry training. This may also provide a pre‐apprenticeship qualification in some trades. 
* Up to 4 or 5 units in the student’s VCE or VCE VM Certificate, depending on the level of the Certificate.
BENDIGO KANGAN TAFE is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) for VET courses in 2025.
Echuca College meets the requirements to deliver VET courses through external RTOs.
 CSC recognises Australian Qualification Training Framework (AQTF) qualifications and Statements of Attainment issued by other Registered Training Organisations.
 Courses that MAY be available in 2025 include:
  • Certificate 11 in Building and Construction

  • Certificate 11 in Engineering Studies

  • Certificate 11 in Cookery

  • Certificate 11 in Retail Cosmetics

  • Certificate 11 in Animal Studies

  • Certificate 11 in Community Services

  • Certificate 11 in Automotive

  • Certificate 11 in Salon Assistant

  • Certificate 111 in Information Technology

  • Certificate 111 in Music

  • Certificate 111 in Sport & Recreation

  • Certificate 111 in Visual Arts

  • Certificate 111 in Early Childhood Education (Yrs 11/12 only)